bonjour! (that’s fancy for hello)
my name’s johnny and i like coffee. i'm pretty sure you do too, since you’re here.
when i was younger i played baseball and i’ll be honest: i was bad. while i played outfield, i wanted to make the switch from right field to left. sitting on the bench, i knew that left field was where i could grow and be better. like you, i strive to be better. kinder. more generous.
we enjoy working with a group of people that not only care about the craft that they're performing, but the people who get to enjoy it with us. if you're interested in applying for an open position, please email your résumé to hello@leftfield.coffee and we will get back to you after reviewing your qualifications.
Left Field is our place to get things right. to be better than we were before, moving from right to Left Field. see you out there.
peace + coffee,
Johnny DeMaagd
ceo + founder